designing the evaluation strategy for Biosecurity New Zealand’s Check, Clean, Dry Program.
assisting with the “Deep Dives’ related to the UN Food Systems Summit 2021
evaluation of UNHCR’s existing learning system and implications for the new learning paradigms.
evaluation of the introduction of systems approaches to environmental practices for the UK Department of Environment, Farming and Rural Areas (DEFRA)
trialing systems mapping approaches in the Rwandan education sector for USAID/DFID
application of systemic evaluation framework to overseas medical interventions
evaluation of ecohealth program capacity development for the International Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC/CDRI).
application of systems concepts to the evaluation of humanitarian learning programs provided by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy.
evaluation of the systems approach of the Faculty of Public Health at the American University of Beirut
advisor to UN Women evaluation of their coordination mandate.
evaluating Making Opportunities Affordable (MOA): a multi-year, multi-million dollar project for a US Foundation focused on raising the productivity of US higher education
developing evaluation and systems skills of agencies involved in a US special needs education programme
facilitating an evaluation design for a rural development project in the Philippines
evaluating various health and safety training programs for the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and the Combined Trade Unions (CTU)
developing an evaluation framework for the NZ Government Pay and Employment Equity program
developing an evaluation framework for a healthy exercise program for Pacific peoples
advising the evaluation of a suicide prevention program
evaluation of the New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety Strategy
a variety of workshops for the American Evaluation Association, the Australasian Evaluation Society and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation on the application of systems based approaches to evaluation
evaluation of two pilot professional development and assessment programs for the New Zealand Police
evaluation of the Department of Corrections/Prison Foundation of NZ “Faith Based Unit” and “Operation Jericho”
evaluation of Te Puni Kokiri’s “Strengthening Management and Governance” Program.
evaluation of MSD’s whanau development program
evaluation of a Maori youth development program
evaluation of the development of the TEC Adult and Community Education (ACE) networks
evaluation of the Local Employment Committee (LEC) program, for the New Zealand Department of Labour
major evaluation of the relationship between health and safety, injury rehabilitation and government policy in 20 case study organisations over three years
evaluation of a program for developing work opportunities for rural Maori
evaluation of the Tertiary Education Commission s Adult and Community Education networks
evaluation of the introduction of the NZ Police skill assessment scheme
assisting in the evaluation of the Australian Federal Government s Stronger Communities and Families Strategy
evaluation of the Department of Child Youth and Family s Local Services Mapping initiative
evaluation of the Women in Dairy program for the Australian Dairy Research and Development Corporation
evaluation of the "work test" program for the New Zealand Employment Service
evaluation of an "innovation" fund within the Work and Income Service of New Zealand (WINZ)
two separate evaluations and various workshops associated with the school based anti-drink driving production "Too Much Punch for Judy".
an evaluation for the Family Violence Prevention Co-ordinating
Committee (FVPCC) of the impact of anti-violence publicity campaigns on men;
principal author of a review for the NZ Alcohol Advisory Council and Canterbury Area Health Board on the future of Queen Mary Hospital, Hanmer Springs;
development of an evaluation and strategic planning process for Students Against Driving Drunk (SADD);
an evaluation for the Accident Compensation Corporation of the impact of the NZ Employers Federation and Combined Trade Union health and safety training programmes;
acting as advisor on the evaluation of the Alcohol and Drug Programme in New Zealand schools;
evaluation of a pilot school based drug use intervention programme;
an evaluation of an organisation s performance in relation to a perceived programme failure;
an evaluation of the NZ Family Court aspect of a Family Abuse Intervention Pilot Programme;
an evaluation of "Crash Bash" - a school based road safety programme;
an evaluation of the Ethnic Affairs Service of Department of Internal Affairs;
development of an evaluation and strategic planning process for the Duke of Edinburgh s Award Scheme;
facilitating the evaluation of the Southern Regional Health Authority s Community Health Committees.
advising the Ministry of Maori Development on the development, and monitoring of government services to Maori.
advising on and helping pilot a program to develop evaluation capacity within the Department of Work and Income.
mentoring, and evaluating an action research project aimed at understanding how to construct better relationships between economic development practice at the community level and economic develop policy.
advising on an action research based project aiming to improve relationships between community based economicdevelopment activity, and Central Government policy development
assising in a strategy development process for Cantabury District Health Board
facilitating a Future Search process for a division of Yokogawa Singapore;
co-facilitating a Future Search for a local education authority near Chicago, Illinois
facilitating a Future Search for an Alcoa plant in Victoria, Australia;
facilitating a Search Conference for a Rotary Club in Singapore;
assisting in a large group strategy process for a joint venture between Singapore Airlines and Pratt & Whitney
designing and co-facilitating a large group strategy process for the Ministry for the Environment and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
facilitating an Open Space based group process for the Ministry of Education
a review of organisational options of the Auckland & Northland based activities of the Parent Advocacy Council;
strategy development, organisational review and business planning for Flotech Singapore;
a service and organisation review of the Auckland Clinical Services of the New Zealand Family Planning Association;
organisational review and management development for Yenn Dar, Singapore
a review of the regionally based decision-making processes of the New Zealand Lottery Youth services;
assisting a Ministry of Agriculture division with its strategic planning and programme evaluation processes;
a review of the information needs of the legal profession and the role of District Law Society Libraries;
providing advice to the Public Service Association of New Zealand on the development of non-industrial services to its members;
a variety of strategic and organisational development projects for the NZ Open Polytechnic
strategic planning and evaluation workshops for a variety of New Zealand organisations including the Alcohol Advisory Council, the Salvation Army, NZ Council of Christian Social Services, Students Against Driving Drunk, North Health, Workplace New Zealand, NZ Patents Office, Royal New Zealand Ballet and various youth, health and road safety organisations.
providing development advice for Project Adventure New Zealand - a youth based community organisation
designing, implementing and evaluating a process of contracting for service outcomes between the Bay of Plenty Area Health Board and community based health organisations;
designing and implementing a process to bring together providers and consumers of mental health services in 4 counties in upstate New York, USA
workshops on contracting between community health organisations and statutory agencies for a number of community organisations, the Alcohol Advisory Council (ALAC), Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), Napier City Council and Wellington, Hawkes Bay and Auckland Area Health Boards;
designing and presenting a series of one day workshops for the Public Health Association on health reorganisation;
designing and facilitating a series of workshops for the Public Health Commission relating to service specifications with health providers concerned with immunisation, health protection, and HIV/AIDS;
designing and facilitating workshops for the motorcycle aspect of the National Road Safety Strategy;
facilitating a series of meetings on the development of immunisation services for the Central Regional Health Authority;
advising on the role and structure of Community Health Groups and their relationship with the Central Regional Health Authority;
assisting the development of a contract between the Employers Federation and the ACC;
providing advice to the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority on various consultation processes, and designing and facilitating related workshops;
Contributing chapters on the "use" of evaluation from a learning perspective to several publications.
Supplying entries on quality, planning and systems to the Encyclopaedia of Evaluation
an investigation into the social impact of a major bridge and floodway construction programme in Lower Hutt;
helped design and facilitate an Internet based conference on the work of the late Donald Schön
facilitating a process by which the major voluntary and business organisations in Wellington identify and agree a common vision for the city;
a review of submissions to Government on the importation of myxomatosis into New Zealand;
a synopsis of submissions to Government on energy policy;
a synopsis of submissions on the Broadcasting (Liquor Advertising) Bill;
manager of the team analysing submissions on the Health and Disability Services Bill;
member of a team assessing the relevance of systems methodologies to social assessment;
the application of Ottawa Charter concepts to energy efficiency for the Ministry for the Environment, to assist the design and evaluation of energy efficiency strategies and campaigns;
two separate consultation processes for the Building Industry Authority concerning a revision of the energy efficiency provisions of the Building Code;
a consultation process for Wellington City Council in relation to resource consents for sewage disposal;
a "futures" workshop for a major market research company and its clients;
consultant to the ACC assessing various research and injury prevention projects;
development of a major domestic energy efficiency program for the Energy Direct Community Trust
various consultation and facilitation processes in relation to a review of the Health Act.
two Public Health Association s position papers on the delivery of public health services (ie disease prevention,health protection and health promotion).
keynote speaker at the Women and Transport conference - speaking on the development of road safety cultures.
written and lectured extensively on the features of contracting processes, in particular their use as a planning tool, including "Zen and the Art of Contract Maintenance" in the journal of the NZ Institute of Public Administration, and in the Australian Community Health Association publication "Stitching Up the Split - Contracting for Community Health".
“Using Systems Concepts in Evaluation Design" (in English and Spanish)
"Wicked Solutions : A Systems Approach to complex problems" with Sjon van 't Hoff
"Systems Concepts in Action : A Practitioner’s Toolkit”, with Richard Hummelbrunner [Stanford Business Books 2010]
“Systems Concepts in Evaluation; An Expert Anthology”, with Iraj Imam eds. [EdgePress/AEA 2007]
“Getting the Stuff Used” in Evaluating Policy and Practice: A New Zealand Reader [Pearson Education 2003]
“Learning Logs: Structured Journals that work for busy people” in Effective Change Management Using Action Learning and Action Research” [Southern Cross University Press 2001]
Sections on “Systems and systems thinking”, “Planning” and “Quality” in Encyclopaedia of Evaluation [Sage 2005]
“Evaluation for Practice Improvement and Organizational Learning”, with Patricia Rogers, in the Handbook of Evaluation [Sage. 2007]
"Evaluation South Asia", with Meenakshi Sankar, for UNICEF South Asia (2007)
Entry on systemic inquiry in the Encyclopaedia of Qualitative Research Methods, Sage (2008)
“Zen and the Art of Contract Maintenance”, New Zealand Public Sector Journal (1995)
“Performance Measurement And The Search For Meaning”, Evaluation News and Comment (1999)
Bucking the System - systems concepts and development. (2008) The Broker http://www.thebrokeronline.eu/en/articles/Bucking-the-system
Thinking Systemically - systems concepts and methods (2009) Capacity.org http://www.capacity.org/en/journal/feature/thinking_systemically
"Systems Concepts in Research and Evaluation"
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan
“Systems Concepts, Systems Methods and Evaluation Practice - An Exploration” and Using Systems Concepts in Evaluation Design (2002 to 2017)
“An introduction to Soft systems methodology” – New Zealand, Singapore and Australia (1998 – ongoing)
Developing a Knowledge Management Culture (2007/8) Malaysia and USA
Evaluation capacity building –New Zealand (2001)
“Tricky Issues in Impact Evaluation” – USA (2002)
“The Role Of Evaluation In Helping Organizations Learn” – Australia, and New Zealand (1998)
“Performance Measurement” – New Zealand (1996)
“Identifying individual values in evaluation” – New Zealand (1995)
“Needs Assessment” – New Zealand (2003)